Papers from ICTCM-7 arranged by first author

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abstract  Darrell H. Abney, Chris Christensen, Larry Gilligan07P004
 Report on the NSF Institute Calculus Using Computer Algebra Systems
abstractpaper.pdf Mohammad H. Ahmadi07C006
 The Use of Group Research Project and Cooperative Learning in Calculus
abstractpaper.pdf Margo Alexander07C003
 Graphing and Visualization in the College Algebra Classroom
abstract  Roger L. Angevine07P001
 Maple Labs for Calculus III
abstractpaper.pdf Judith Aronow, Richard D. Jarvinen07C034
 Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming Using a Calculator
abstractpaper.txt John J. Avioli07C016
abstract  Hilary Ballantine07P002
 The Impact of the Graphic Calculator on the Mathematics Curriculum
abstract  Przemyslaw Bogacki07P003
 MathCAD Plus 5.0 In an Introductory Linear Algebra Course
abstractpaper.html Przemyslaw Bogacki07C021
 Mathcad Activities on Infinite Series and Taylor Polynomials
abstractpaper.pdf Jaime Carvalho e Silva07C008
 Understanding Exponential Growth with Technology
abstract  Gary G. Cochell, Atul N. Roy, Sanjay K. Rai07P005
 Technology in Mathematics
abstract  Vince DeBlase, Sharon Wagner07P006
 Statistics and Probability Interactive
abstract  Robert M. Devine07P007
 Using Television to Model Professional Development in the Use of Technology for Math, Science, and Engineering Instruction
abstract  Anne Dudley, David Dudley07P008
 Maricopa Mathematics Consortium (M2C) An NSF Grant
abstractpaper.pdf Bruce Edwards07C027
 Motivating Mathematical Understanding via Surprises on the TI-85
abstractpaper.pdf George Emese07C019
 Examples of Graphing Calculator Use in Calculus I
abstractpaper.pdf Abi Fattahi07C028
 Some Interesting Examples of the Use of Computer Algebra Systems in Introductory Courses
abstractpaper.pdf Gary H. Ford07C022
 Understanding Taylor's Theorem with the TI-85
abstract  Lynn Foshee Reed, Susan Hagen07P021
 The Rule of Four in a Technology-Enhanced Precalculus Course
abstractpaper.pdf David Fung, Steve Ligh07C026
 Trigonometric Representation of [x]
abstract  Sidney Graham07P009
 An Advanced Mathematics Course Using Mathematica and TEX
abstract  Alfred Gray07P010
abstract  Holly Hirst07P011
 A Laboratory Course in Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students
abstractpaper.pdf Lawrence S. Husch07C013
 Obtaining Software and Other Teaching Materials by e-mail
abstractpaper.pdf Eunmee Koh07C012
 Teaching Statistics to Students with Limited Language Skill Using MINITAB
abstractpaper.pdf Robert Kreczner07C033
 Dimension of Maximum Volume
abstractpaper.pdf Vatsala Krishnamani, Dovie Kimmins07C007
 Using Technology as a Tool in Abstract Algebra and Calculus Courses: The MTSU Experience
abstractpaper.pdf James Kulich07C014
 Secondary School Technology Mentors
abstract  Edmund A. Lamagna07P012
 NEWTON: A Computational Environment for Exploring Mathematics
abstract  Jean Lane07P013
 Calculator Enhanced Instruction Project by a Consortium of New Jersey and Pennsylvania Educational Institutions
abstractpaper.pdf Anthony P. Leclerc07C024
 Should We Be Concerned About Roundoff Error?
abstract  Susan Lenker, Dorothy Anway, Susan McLoughlin07P014
 Sensitivity Analysis and Linear Programming Using MAPLE, DERIVE, and the TI-82
abstractpaper.pdf Steve Ligh, Randall G. Wills07C030
 Families of Linear Functions and Their Envelopes
abstractpaper.html Richard E. Little07C005
 Using a Calculator to Do mathematics: Do You Want a Map or Just Directions?
abstractpaper.txt Elinor M. Madigan, Robert H. Forsman07C001
 A Pilot Study of a Modified Distance Learning Technique for Use in an Introductory Managerial Statistics Course
abstractpaper.pdf Raj K. Markanda07C035
 Linear Algebra and the TI-85
abstract  David Mathews, Ed Dubinsky, Keith Schwingendorf07P015
 Calculus, Concepts, Computers and Cooperative Learning (The Purdue Calculus Reform Project)
abstract  Tania M. McDuffie07P016
 The Graphics Calculator as a Teaching and Learning Tool in Precalculus
abstract  Richard Mercer07P017
 WrightCalc/CalcE The Wright State Calculus Laboratory Project
abstract  Paul Nugent, Rahim Elghanmi07P018
 Computers Across the Curriculum
abstract  David H. Olwell07P019
 The Video Applications Library: Calculus at the Movies
abstract  Ed Packel07P020
 Mathematica Notebooks for Introductory Calculus
abstractpaper.pdf Julia S. Roman07C009
 An Algebraic Approach to the Immutability of the Slope of a Line
abstractpaper.pdf Ana I. Rosendo, Jaime Carvalho e Silva07C015
 Computers in Mathematics Education - An Experience
abstract  Susan Ross07P022
 The Geometry Forum
abstractpaper.txt Augusta Schurrer, Diane Mitchell07C002
 Technology and the Mature Department
abstractpaper.pdf Kathleen Shannon07C031
 Using Spreadsheets and DERIVE to Teach Differential Equations
abstractpaper.pdf Carl R. Spitznagel07C020
 Twelve Practical Ideas for the Use of the TI-82 in the Second-Term Calculus Course
abstract  G. Boyd Swartz07P023
 Faculty Training in Visual Basic Application to Teach Mathematics
abstract  Peter Tannenbaum07P024
 Mathematica Labs for Probability Theory
abstractpaper.pdf Bob Tilidetzke07C004
 CAI in Precalculus
abstractpaper.pdf D. Reginald Traylor, Julia S. Roman07C010
 Finding Derivatives Without the Notion of Limits
abstractpaper.pdf James A. Walsh07C017
 Iteration in First Semester Calculus
abstract  Richard D. West, Joseph D. Myers07P025
 Interdisciplinary Lively Applications Projects (ILAPs) Bringing Relevance to Mathematics
abstract  W. J. Wickless07P026
 Computer Enhanced Calculus at the University of Connecticut
abstractpaper.pdf Shishen Xie07C032
 Interactive Laboratories for Teaching Applied Mathematics
abstractpaper.pdf Wei-Chi Yang07C025
 Modified Integration with MAPLE
abstractpaper.pdf Elizabeth Yanik07C023
 Coffee, Tea, or Not? A Model Based on Newton's Law of Cooling
abstractpaper.pdf Joe Yanik07C029
 Chaos in the Classroom
abstractpaper.pdf Kemble Yates07C018
 Meshing Meaningful Student Projects into a Fairly Traditional Calculus Course
abstractpaper.pdf Cathleen M. Zucco07C011
 Using MINITAB to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills