Electronic Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

Orlando, Florida, November 17-20, 1994

Paper P024

Mathematica Labs for Probability Theory

Peter Tannenbaum

California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740


In this poster session I intend to demonstrate some of the Mathematica labs I have been developing for the calculus-based Probability Theory course. The labs are of two types: General Labs, whose intent is to revisit the main topics of the course (but taking advantage of the computational and pedagogical virtues of Mathematica), and Explorations, whose intent is to lead the student into a few esoteric adventures in experimentation and discovery. My ultimate goal is to match each General Lab with an appropriate Exploration.

At this stage I have a few labs of each type completed plus a tentative outline of what a complete course might look like. Through the poster session I hope not only to demonstrate a few of the labs but also to exchange ideas about form and content.

Keyword(s): probability, Mathematica, computer labs