Papers related to the keyword(s):

linear programming

arranged by first author

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abstractpaper.pdf Judith Aronow08C076
 Employee Scheduling Methods Using a Calculator
abstractpaper.pdf Judith Aronow, Richard D. Jarvinen07C034
 Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Programming Using a Calculator
abstractpaper.pdf Leslie Chandrakantha23C006
 Using Excel Solver in Optimization Problems
abstractpaper.pdf William P. Fox17S092
 Optimization in Mathematics
abstractpaper.pdf Richard D. Jarvinen08C078
 Mathematical Analysis on the HP-48
abstractpaper.pdf Raimundo Kovac, Rebecca Sparks, Christopher Teixeira17S026
 Bringing Linear Programming to Life for Business Students - An Interactive Tool to Improve Learning
abstract  Susan Lenker, Dorothy Anway, Susan McLoughlin07P014
 Sensitivity Analysis and Linear Programming Using MAPLE, DERIVE, and the TI-82
 paper.pdf David Nawrocki26S075
 VBA Programming Techniques in Operations Research
abstractpaper.pdf Hernan Rivera17C015
 Simplex: Artificial Variables with TI-89 or Voyage 200
abstractpaper.pdf Peter Staab19C013
 Linear Algebra And Linear Programming In A Finite Mathematics Course
abstractpaper.pdf J Villanueva20C021
 Linear Programming via Excel
abstractpaper.pdf Pablo Zafra, Henry Cleary20C040
 A Tutorial Applet for Simplex Method