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abstractpaper.html A graphical tool for analysis courses11C038
 Jeff L. Hirst
abstractpaper.pdf Calculator Animations for Students' Mathematics Research15C008
 Lawrence Sher, Patricia Wilkinson
abstractpaper.pdf Exploring Limits with Maple20C014
 Reza O. Abbasian, John T. Sieben
abstractpaper.pdf Hard Calculus Problems Made Easy by the TI-92 Calculator10C008
 David F. Appleyard
abstractpaper.html Interactive Calculus Laboratories Using Maple V10C006
 Shari Prevost
abstractpaper.txt MapleCalc07C016
 John J. Avioli
abstractpaper.pdf Some Examples on Using Maple to Increase Students' Understanding of Calculus08C052
 Darlene Wu
abstractpaper.html The CAS in Multivariable Calculus08C016
 John F. Putz
abstractpaper.pdf The Role of Graphing Calculators in Students' Approaches to Solving Calculus Problems15C009
 Nina R. Girard
abstractpaper.pdf Understanding Exponential Growth with Technology07C008
 Jaime Carvalho e Silva
abstractpaper.pdf Using Excel Spreadsheet to Understand the Limiting Value of a Sequence16C034
 Nesan Sriskanda
abstractpaper.pdf Using Graphing Calculators to Enhance Students Understanding of the Formal Definition of Limits17S122
 Antonio R. Quesada, Richard L. Einsporn, Muserref Wiggins