Electronic Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

Atlanta, Georgia, November 16-19, 2000

Paper C007

Online Testing of Mathematics for Engineers

Sami Fadali

Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Nevada
Reno, NV 89557

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Jerry Johnson

Department of Mathematics
University of Nevada
Reno, NV 89557
Phone: (775) 784-6773

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Jeff Mortensen

Department of Mathematics
University of Nevada
Reno, NV 89557
Phone: (775) 784-6773

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Jeff McGough

Department of Mathematics
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

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The high attrition rate among engineering majors can be attributed in large part to problems with mathematics. This paper describes a strategy using web-based mathematics examinations, tutoring and advising to improve retention of engineering students. We discuss the software and exam questions based on engineering applications used in our testing. (Funded in part by NSF grant DUE 9980687).

Keyword(s): on-line access, Internet