Papers related to the keyword(s):


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abstractpaper.pdf Alan T. Arnholt18S056
 Using R in an Introductory Statistics Course
abstractpaper.pdf Julie Belock16S092
 Gaming Simulations in Probability
abstractpaper.pdf Joel Fowler25S046
 Further Explorations of the St. Petersburg Paradox with Maple
abstractpaper.pdf Robert Goldman, John D. McKenzie, Jr.18C131
 Creating Realistic Data Sets with Specified Properties Via Simulation
abstractpaper.pdf Terry L. Kiser12P004
 Global Warming - Should We Worry?
abstractpaper.pdf Richard Klima20C027
 A Java Simulator for Voting Methods
abstractpaper.pdf Lisa Elaine Marano17S029
 Introducing Topology Through Simulations Of Knot Tying And Band Forming Activities
abstractpaper.pdf Jean McGivney-Burelle17C011
 Stimulating Simulating with the TI-83+: Lessons for Preservice Teachers From a Mathematics Course
 paper.pdf James M. Meehan01A202
 The Instructional Use of Simulation of Random Experiments
abstractpaper.pdf Bob Tilidetzke13C037
 Modeling and Simulation using Stella