Electronic Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

Orlando, Florida, March 16-19, 2006

Paper S121

This is an electronic reprint, reproduced by permission of Pearson Education Inc. Originally appeared in the Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Edited by Joanne Foster, ISBN 0-321-49160-2, Copyright (C) 2007 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Building a Connection from Paint to Geometer's Sketchpad

Carol A. Marinas

School of Arts and Sciences
Barry University
11300 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami Shores, FL 33161

list of all papers by this author

Joseph M. Furner

College of Education
Florida Atlantic University
5353 Parkside Drive
Jupiter, FL 33458

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Click to access this paper: paper.pdf


Elementary students start using the computer to play. Paint, a Windows application, encourages the students to draw pictures as an extension of their coloring cooks. Why not take this Paint experience and extend it into a smooth transition into the Geometer's Sketchpad environment? In this article, examples will be provided for both applications. This paper discusses insights for using geometry sketching software to teach geometric concepts for primary-age children.

Keyword(s): Geometer's Sketchpad, geometry, software