Electronic Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

New Orleans, Louisiana, October 28-31, 2004

Paper C065

Using Geometer's Sketchpad to Illustrate Mathematical Modeling and Morphing

Paul Bouthellier

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Pittsburgh-Titusville
Titusville, PA 16354
Phone: (814) 827-4432
Fax: (814) 827-5574

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Geometer's Sketchpad is a computer package that allows students to perform geometric constructions and alter and animate their results in real-time. Using Geometer's Sketchpad (GSP) we shall perform mathematical modeling and, in conjunction with the computer programs Flash MX 2004 and Amorphium 3, illustrate basic concepts of morphing. The projects discussed can be used in classes ranging from algebra to linear algebra.

Keyword(s): Geometer's Sketchpad, modeling