Electronic Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate MathematicsBaltimore, Maryland, November 1-4, 2001Paper C007
Motivating and facilitating student achievement in a technology-rich, WWW-based Geometry for Teachers course |
David A. Thomas
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Ball State University
Muncie, IN 47306-0490
Phone: (765) 285-8813
Fax: (765) 285-1721
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Over the past few years, I have taught a WWW-based Geometry for Teachers course on several occasions.
The course and its instructional materials continue to evolve as newer and more powerful modeling
and communications technologies become available. This paper will present an overview of the course
in its present form and review 'lessons-learned' along-the-way.
I will briefly address each of the following topics and 'point' the audience to additional,
more detailed information on my WWW site.
- Institutional contexts and students served
- Course content, instructional resources, and technologies used
- Course organization and communications
- Achievement
- On-campus vs. distance students
- Male vs. female
- Individual vs. group
- Examples of student work
- Conclusions & recommendations
Keyword(s): geometry, Internet