Electronic Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

San Antonio, Texas, March 6-9, 2008

Paper S087

This is an electronic reprint, reproduced by permission of Pearson Education Inc. Originally appeared in the Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, ISBN 0-321-64488-3, Copyright (C) 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

On the Preparation of Secondary Mathematics Teachers on the Proper Integration of Technology

Antonio R. Quesada

The University of Akron

list of all papers by this author

Rhonda S. Renker

The University of Akron

Click to access this paper: paper.pdf


After fifteen years of using graphing calculators, it is appropriate to ask: Are we preparing secondary mathematics teachers to take full advantage of the main capabilities that this technology offers in order to provide secondary students with the best possible preparation for calculus? For the last two years the author has taught a workshop to about one hundred in-service teachers (from thirty-six school districts and forty-six schools) on a selection of concepts, approaches, and applications, accessible via technology but not yet fully present in many precalculus books. In this paper the authors discuss findings on teachers' preparation and consider some possible ways for addressing the problems found.

Keyword(s): teacher training