Electronic Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

Chicago, Illinois, October 30-November 2, 2003

Paper S070

This is an electronic reprint, reproduced by permission of Pearson Education Inc. Originally appeared in the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Edited by Corinna Mansfield, ISBN 0-321-30456-x, Copyright (C) 2005 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.

Bill Clinton, Bertie Ahern, and Digital Signatures (a Maple Based Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography)

John Cosgrave

Mathematics Department
St Patrick's College
Dublin 9,

Click to access this paper: paper.pdf


A modified version of author's public lecture 'Bill Clinton, Etc.' which illustrates the fundamental concept of public and private key cryptography.

Keyword(s): Maple, applications, number theory