Electronic Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

Chicago, Illinois, November 6-9, 1997

Paper C015

Retention and Attitudes Toward Mathematics and Computers: Their Relationship with Using Computers in Introductory College Mathematics Courses

Jacci White

Brevard Community College
3865 N. Wickham Rd.
Melbourne, FL 32935
Phone: (407) 632-1111 x32311

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The purpose of this study is to determine the effects using computers in the mathematics classroom, as either a medium or method of instruction, has on retention and attitudes toward mathematics and computers. The subjects consist of Brevard Community College students in Preparatory Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, and College Algebra. Two survey instruments will be utilized in both experimental and control classes in order to determine any significant change in attitude toward mathematics or computers as a result of experimental teaching strategies. Either an ANCOVA or ANOVA will be performed, as appropriate according to preliminary survey responses, to determine change in attitudes. Course grade reports will be analyzed for differences between success rate of students who have received the experimental treatment course structure and those in traditional classes. Findings will be significant in determining the level at which computers should be integrated into the mathematics classrooms. Results may also be used to design faculty training on appropriate or inappropriate uses of technology to increase student success.

Keyword(s): pedagogy, computer labs