Electronic Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

Baltimore, Maryland, November 1-4, 2001

Paper C012

Teaching and Encouraging Meaningful Reading of Mathematics Texts

Jane Friedman

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

Perla Myers

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

Jeff Wright

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

Click to access this paper: paper.pdf


The authors describe several approaches to inducing lower division mathematics students to read the text before lecture. The modalities considered include attempts to enhance teacher-student interaction, as well as the automation of certain aspects of course delivery in the context of initial reading of the text.

Keyword(s): pedagogy, textbooks