Electronic Proceedings of the Ninth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics

Reno, Nevada, November 7-10, 1996

Paper C005

Scientific WorkPlace as a Tool to Evaluate Definite Integral using Trapezoidal Rule

Seu-Kea Lua

Ngee Ann Polytechnic
535, Clementi Road
, 599489
Phone: 065-460-8100

Wai-Har S. Wong

Ngee Ann Polytechnic
535, Clementi Road
, 599489
Phone: 065-460-6733

Click to access this paper: paper.html


This is an example showing how Scientific WorkPlace is used as an effective tool to do live mathematics and to prepare report. A portion of an Extended Exercise which involves solving a definite integral is used. The existing feature of function definition in the system is manipulated to perform trapezoidal rule.

Keyword(s): Scientific Workplace, integrals